Monday, October 27, 2014

Rivne- Week 9 -- August 18

August 18, 2014
Hey Everyone!
So we're finlay back in Rivne after a week in Armenia and then L'viv while Sister Barns' went to Armenia to get her Visa. We both kept Asking ourselves how that all worked out, sending us on our visa trips a week apart. Still can't figure it all out. Anywho we are here until Wednesday when we get to take another Train back to L'viv to have Mission Conference! on the 21st which is also my Year mark in country! Crazy! Then we'll come back to Rivne again on the 22nd and have time to get ready for the 24th of August! (For those of you that don't know that is Ukrainian Independence day)
З День Незалежності! (Z Den' Ne-za-lezh-nos-ty!)
          СЛАВА УКРАЇНА (SLA-VA U-KRAY-INA)        

You should all get out your traditional Ukrainian Getup and wear it, or if you don't have that just wear a combination of blue and yellow.(Preferably with the yellow on bottom and the blue on top) I'll show you all the traditional Ukrainian clothing next week in pictures.
Last week was super fun and crazy. I was back in L'viv again and it was super cool. Hard to be away from your own area for so long, but things turned out great. I was temporary companions with Sister Radjavaba and Sister Banja and Sister Garrett, Super fun. Since we weren't in our own areas we did alot of English contacting and and trying to talk with people. Along the way it always amazes me how every time I'm back in L'viv I see something new.
I love you all so much!
З Любовю
Сестра Гарф
1. Ukraine
2. Ballerinas
3. Never would have thought I'd see that!

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