Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I got another letter from the prophet

   So...I got another letter from the prophet. My mission has been reassigned from the Ukraine Kyiv Mission to the Ukraine L'viv Mission. I am still speaking Ukrainian and I still report June 19th. I am so happy that so many people are answering the call to serve.
    When I originally received my mission call, I was called to serve in the Ukraine Kyiv Mission. However, due to such a large increase in number of members answering the call to serve, the Ukraine Kyiv Mission has been split and I am now serving in the Ukraine L'viv Mission. I will spend my time proselyting in the areas surrounding the L'viv area. On my preparation days I will have an opportunity to visit different areas.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

My mission has changed

    Well it appears as though my mission has been split. I am no longer serving in the Kyiv, Ukraine mission. I have now been called to serve in the L'viv, Ukraine mission.